Thursday 31 March 2011

It's Not A Vector~

I'm not a great illustrator, I'm not even an incentive one. I'm quite bland in that aspect really.
However, one thing I am not is a vector artist. Someone pointed out not too long that because I prominently used the pen tool in photoshop to create my digital lines means that I was creating a vector (and clearly nothing else.)

I pointed out that a) you can't create vectors in photoshop as it is a bitmap program and not a vector program like illustrator. Example:

On the right is a zoomed in shape created in a bitmap program such as Photoshop. The one on the left is created in a vector like program.

My b) point (or should that be 2nd?) is that I wasn't comfortable enough to create lines without the pen tool. I'm still not, but I have been practicing:

And by my lines being 'messy', I sill haven't quite got the motor control to make them neat. I guess that's why with some of my work I've started to use the messier approach to digitally inking. (and it's proving quicker, which is an added bonus.)

Also, bitmap!
This is at 200% so here's hoping it will look neater when scaled down to the size the client wants it at.

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