Wednesday 25 May 2011


So yesterday I got my Vice booklets back from Lulu.
Everything printed great. (except the punk page looks lightly pixelated) but that wasn't really the problem. It knocked out my pagination by a page and shifted everything across a page so none of the pages line up correctly.

This looks good...

Fine as well...


Oh, and even though you made the Indesign document full bleed, we're still going to give you a white border.

Oh well. Just one stag in the world and really this was just a tester. Bit wary now because I sent my context book off the other day so I'm sort of waiting with baited breath.

I can fix this though.
Either I print it out at college, take of the cover and re use it. Or I chop down both books, and make some kind of Frankenstein monster. Either way, it'll be fixed.

Edit: Figured out what was wrong. Knew it was my fault. It's always my fault.

I wanted a blank page at the front of the book but should have put in 2 instead so the first page would start where it was supposed to. Will take 2 seconds to fix.

Friday 20 May 2011


Snap cards are finished! Little bit thicker than I anticipated what with the paper stock and laminating so I'm having to sightly re adjust the box.

Potter pics~

So one of the lights decided to blow as soon as I started to shoot. In fact, as soon as I put the box on the table.

I guess that's an excuse for why the pictures did not come out as well lit as I had hoped. Oh well. They'll do.

Also, please excuse the horrible masking tape in one corner inside the lid. The way the box has been glues together and papered makes it hard to paper the inside. (Which is a bit of a bother, but not too noticeable and doesn't, i hope, distract too much.)

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Playing Card Suites

So I had 16 places to fill for the card suites. The snakes where easy enough, just using those who where in Slytherin house.

It might look strange to give Ron a position as high as king, but I'm going for the "Weasley Is Our King" chant from when he helped win the Quidditch match in book 5, I think.


So i decided to see how some of the snap cards would look laminated. I used 2 sheets that where already printed with both the front and back design. They're now extremely thick, and it's made me re think about how I'm going to package them. I'm now going to opt for a deep box rather than the playing card format.

There should be fine for the snap cards, but I really should try and keep the playing cards thinner so they'll still be able to go in the playing card format box.

I'm going to attempt to make them thinner.

I also changed the back from bolts to Harry because, honestly, the bolt pattern was making me nautious. This way, it also refers back to my reasoning behind using the characters and not the concepts.

Sunday 15 May 2011

DC - Spreads So Far

32 page book, 17 spreads.
8 down, 9 to go.

(Will be updated when all the content is in/page numbers)

(Back Cover - Not finished)

Yeah, yeah, types not my strong point. But the interviewees took the time to write me those answers and they where great answers at that. It would have been such a waste not to use them.

I've really enjoyed doing this project so far. It's not as "intense" as the other briefs and I'm having fun with doing what I want to do.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Finished Piece

And of course I couldn't make a design context book without highlighting my usage of textures. It makes the character stand out from the lightning, without taking away from either of them. It's my own spin on the Dark knight cover that does not away from homage as a whole.

Friday 13 May 2011

Front Cover - Figure

I guess I shamelessly wanted myself on the cover as it's my own exploration of comic books and character design. It's about highlighting the bits of me that aren't real like the mask and the cape to show that comic books have been a big part of my life.

Front Cover - BG

Made the lightning and the background for the basis of my cover. I'm not keen on the 'cape crusader' bit of the text and I'm thinking of dropping it as a whole.