Friday 6 May 2011

Vice Magazine Typefaces

"Despite what French Canadians and Afro-Americans want you to believe, less is more. Vice uses only two fonts (Hector Rounded and Trade Gothic) because they don't want the magazine to look like a fucking pizza pie."

Well, that's all of my questions answered. Time to go back and trade in that Garmond.

Edit: That doesn't make sense. There is clearly a serif typeface used in Vice and both Hector Rounded and Trade Gothic are sanserif.
Unless staring at this mac has impaired my vision I think I need to dig around some more.

Edit 2: It can just stay as it is. Both fonts are almost £50 each and apparently that other font is magic. When it doubt, use a vector and the closet thing possible.

1 comment:

  1. I Think it is the Sabon Roman from Linotype

    greets from Germany

