Wednesday 4 May 2011

Questions For Crit

- Are the backgrounds on the characters themselves distracting? Do they take away from the initial image and if so what do you suggest? Either I make the background plain white or fade the patterns out, or are they fine as they are?

- So I printed out the insults pages and realised the text was far too big. (Or at least to me it is.) As these are going to be prints, is the type at a correct size for viewing on a wall, or should it be smaller?

- There will be 10 DPS for booklets in varying colours so the inside of the book will have a rainbow motif. Do I make the outside black and white and unstylised (To show the point of not judging a book by it’s cover) or should I use the pre existing illustrations?

- I’m really stuck on how else to expand this without the obvious range which would be posters, greeting cards ect. Any suggestions?


- Book cover designs. I want them to be mimilistic, but not to the point of not knowing what the covers are supped to be. I’m not sure about the placement of the characters or what to do with the back.

- I also don’t know if the type is working on the covers or whether they are starting to resemble my Marvel Books from last module.

- The book cover designs and the prints should tie together. Will the watercolour paper and use of one colour achieve this effect or are the house banners/marauders map starting to look separate?

- Ideally, I want the feel of the project to be that of ink on parchment, is that working or is it not obvious enough?

- I’ll have drawn 30-35 (27 so far) characters by the end of the weekend. I’m thinking of making a booklet with a brief description of each character to be included with the box of books. Good idea or could I do something else with them?

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