Friday 18 February 2011

Initial Ideas

Sat with Jonny and worked out how we would modernise "The Boy and the Wolves" (Which there is very little information on to begin with, but it seemed to be easier that way.)

I thought I could simply sit down on my own and make a spider diagram how I thought I could modernise the story. I was wrong...I needed Jonny there to bounce ideas off of and the story become more political the more we looked at it.

Then I became a bit too political and we where drifting further and further away from the story itself. We decided that we didn't need to do this and all we had to do was incorporate the elements we're going to research without that being the basis of the story.

And then just a really rough idea about how the story would be laid out. We're very determined to make this a story book (albeit, one for teenage/young adults) and not a graphic novel. That means pages with a certain amount of text given over to the page and more empahis on that rather than the illustration. This is why I have Jonny working with me, because he wanted more editorial briefs and I feel that he has a stronger way of working with text than I do. It also means I can focus more on character design and illustration/story boarding.

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