Saturday 2 April 2011

Frankenstein syndrome: Why do we fear making humans?

"From IVF to artificial wombs, why does each advance in reproductive technology still conjure up visions of monsters or Hitler clones?"

(I wonder about the sanity of people dreaming up Hitler Clones)

For this cover I started out not wanting to draw the obvious Frankenstein monster. I wanted to focus it in more on the cloning aspect and peoples perceptions of what that means. Then I realised I had already draw a baby in fetal position and there was only so many times I could get away with that.

So I thought of Sally:

This patch work Frankenstein monster inspired character reminds me of the article because it's people questioning how far we'd go. We already have donor cards, How is that so different from cloning?If we can use bits of people to patch up others, then surely that's no different from creating something new (and possibly there would be less of a chance of the body rejecting something cloned from them rather than an alien intrusions that white blood cells would attack.)

Started out with a normal, albeit tin tin, looking man.

Typical Frankenstein attributes.

Started to add the patchwork instead.

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