Sean Galloway
"They told me that ‘cartoonists’ don’t make money, only Graphic Designers, and Fine artists do. I didn’t want them to crush my dream, of drawing in the comic book industry, so I quit the college and pursued my art journey by drawing everyday. So to sum it up, I’m self-taught."

Sean is a cartoonist/comic book artist and character designer who has worked on projects such as Marvel Comics; Venom #13 (fill-in penciller), DC Comics; Teen Titans Go (cover artist (issue 16 to present), and interior art for issue #22), Axiom Comics; Fatboy and Harvey (cover artist), Massive Black Inc.; conceptual art (designs and colors),Sharon Scott; character development. To name just a few of his achievements.

He's someone I admire for their determination to do what they love and not let something like a college degree get in the way. It's a style that refreshing, abstract with out being to ludicrous and obviously someone who is passionate about what they do. If anything, this is the mind set I want to get into. Of course I'm passionate about what I do but I still haven't quite tipped the peak yet, so to speak.

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