I should have been working on Addison's height and body shape but ended up doing Dee-Ell's 3 point (and a bit) turn. This isn't finished and if I'm being honesty I'm getting a little twitchy without a crit (and my briefs haven't exactly been confirmed). However, I'm quite pleased with how this brief is going so far and hopefully I can push it further in the coming weeks. (and that I will not loose track of it and the point behind it.)
I mentioned in a previous post about having certain colour pallets corresponding to specific characters. These are Dee's initial colours which are a bit more yellow that I was expecting, however, I'm going to play around with them and see what I come up up with.
His Deisgn also isn't final. I'm now thinking of not giving him hair, but a few additional feature such as the ridges on his nose and ports on his neck. (Which are not very clear at the moment). Hopefully I'm not going to hung up on the finer details.
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